Labor market needs to improve the Bachelor of Arts curriculum Program in Tourism and Hotel Industry

ResearchSDGs 8
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รุ่งรัตน์ หัตถกรรม , วีรากร รัตกูล , กนกเกล้า แกล้วกล้า , ราเมศร์ พรหมชาติ , นรินทร์ เจตธ้ารง
คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏบุรีรัมย์

This research aimed to explore the need for skilled labor that is desirable for the establishment of tourism and hotels industry in Buriram province and neighboring provinces. It was to explore the degree of satisfaction among the graduate’ s users in the field of tourism and hotel industry. And to offer Bachelor of Arts curriculum guidelines improvement of tourism and hotel industry program. The samples used in the study were; Personnel manager of the establishment or the representative, total number of 17 establishments, resulting in 17 samples. Using the method of a specific sample.

The results showed that, the situation on the labor demand side was more likely to travel. Increasing demand due to economic growth. Trade liberalization and integration of ASEAN, satisfaction of employers for academic abilities in the fields was at a moderate level, the basic knowledge and skills that affect performance was at a high level, and moral and professional ethics were at a high level.

Guidelines to improve the Bachelor of Arts course, Tourism and Hotel Industry program, was to improve the course name, the degree name, the purpose of the course, and the course structure, in accordance with the requirements of the labor market and Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education, Tourism and Hotel Industry program, 2010.

